Gblog, a beautiful blog built with Astro

Gblog, a beautiful blog built with Astro

  1. All In Astro 🔖
  2. 2 months ago
  3. 1 min read

Gblog is a blog template designed for those who are unable or unwilling to write frontend code. All you need to do is find an interesting Tailwind CSS template from elsewhere and paste it into Gblog, and it will function seamlessly. Additionally, you can customize your own blog without to write any JavaScript code.

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  • 🐈 Simple And Beautiful
  • 🖥️️ Responsive And Light/Dark mode
  • 🐛 SiteMap & RSS Feed
  • 🐝 Category and Timeline Support
  • 🍋 Google Analytics & Google Structured Data
  • 🐜 SEO and Responsiveness
  • 🪲 Markdown And MDX
  • 🏂🏾 Page Compression & Image Optimization

Make Your Own

  1. Clone the astro branch of this repository git clone -b astro
  2. Execute pnpm install to install dependencies.
  3. Modify the src/config.ts file to what you want.
  4. Execute pnpm run dev: Starts a local development server with hot reloading enabled.


Deploy with Vercel

See Deploy your Astro Site get more info.


Thanks, The majority of the code for this project comes from ScrewFast.


This project is released under the MIT License. Please read the LICENSE file for more details.

Gblog Astro Godruoyi